The Carnation is one of the most underrated flowers of all time. This intricate bloom is perfect for bouquets, flower baskets, and more. Order Carnation bouquets below with same-day delivery.
When Singaporeans think of Carnation, we think of the evaporated milk. However, a carnation is one of the most beautiful flowers we can add in a bouquet. In fact, it could even hold its own in a full carnation bouquet. The meaning behind carnations symbolises devotion, love, and patience – all qualities found in mothers. It’s no surprise then, that carnations are the best flowers for Mother’s Day bouquets and baskets.
Carnations are best arranged in bouquets. Carnation bouquets are great for all occasions. The most common of carnation bouquets are for birthdays. As birthdays are vibrant and exciting events, the fluffy, vivid patters on carnation petals add a playful jive to each event. Go ahead and choose them as bouquets for bridal showers, newborn baby arrivals, graduations, proposals and much more. Carnations go great with other flowers in a bouquet too! Pair them with sunflowers, gerberas, peonies, or even orchids – they’ll go really well!
The main reason why carnations are great in bouquets, flower baskets, and more is thanks to their wide variety of colours. The most common colours for carnations are red, purple, white, and pink. These alone are sweet blossom to convey our heartfelt love and desire to be with someone. Nature’s way of blessing us is with more options for patterns in carnations. Variegated versions of carnations include wave-like patterns on petals, spotted petals, and colour leaf variations. Get the variegated types to make each bloom stand out.